
How to Configure Energy Storage for Industrial and Commercial Parks

Post time: 2024-06-19

1. Needs Analysis

First, conduct a comprehensive needs analysis to determine the specific configuration requirements for the energy storage system. This includes:
  1. Power Demand Assessment: Analyze the park's power demand curve to identify peak and off-peak electricity usage.
  2. Electricity Price Analysis: Understand the electricity prices at different times to evaluate the potential economic benefits of peak shaving and valley filling.
  3. Renewable Energy Assessment: If the park has solar or wind power facilities, assess the generation capacity and variability of these renewable energy sources.

2. Selecting the Energy Storage System

Based on the needs analysis, choose the appropriate type and capacity of the energy storage system:
  1. Storage Technology Selection: Common storage technologies include lithium batteries, sodium-sulfur batteries, and supercapacitors. Lithium batteries are widely chosen for their high energy density and long cycle life.
  2. Determining Storage Capacity: Calculate the required storage capacity based on power demand and electricity price differences. It is generally recommended to configure storage capacity to meet 1-2 hours of peak power demand for optimal economic benefits.

3. System Design and Installation

The design and installation of the energy storage system must consider various factors to ensure efficient operation and safety:
  1. System Integration: The energy storage system should seamlessly integrate with the existing power system and energy management system (EMS) to optimize energy flow dispatch.
  2. Safety Design: Equip the storage system with advanced battery management systems (BMS) and fire safety systems to prevent overheating, overcharging, and other safety hazards.
  3. Installation Environment: Choose an appropriate installation location to ensure the storage system meets ventilation, dust-proof, and moisture-proof requirements.

4. Intelligent Monitoring and Maintenance

Intelligent monitoring and regular maintenance are essential to ensure the long-term stable operation of the energy storage system:
  1. Remote Monitoring: Real-time monitoring of the storage system's operational status through an intelligent monitoring system to promptly detect and address potential issues.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Conduct regular inspections and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer, including battery status checks and system calibration.

5. Economic Benefit Analysis

Before configuring the energy storage system, conducting a detailed economic benefit analysis is crucial:
  1. Cost Analysis: Evaluate the initial investment cost and operation and maintenance cost of the energy storage system.
  2. Benefit Analysis: Calculate the benefits of the energy storage system through electricity cost savings, peak shaving and valley filling, and increased renewable energy utilization.

6. Policies and Subsidies

Finally, understand relevant policies and subsidies to reduce investment costs and improve the return on investment:
  1. Government Subsidies: Many regions offer subsidies and tax incentives for energy storage projects. Learn about and apply for relevant policy support.
  2. Market Incentives: Participate in ancillary services in the electricity market, such as frequency regulation and backup power, to earn additional revenue.
By following these steps, Industrial and commercial parks can rationally configure energy storage systems, achieving intelligent energy management and maximizing economic benefits.